Rain Garden Site Scouting

The Saw Mill River Coalition is working with municipalities within The Saw Mill River watershed to locate areas for model demonstration rain gardens.

A rain garden is a living machine where form meets function. They are designed to soak up rain water, mainly from roofs, but also from driveways, patios, roadways, and parking lots. In developed areas, the majority of rainwater is flushed onto streets where it picks up oil, silt, and other pollutants and then funnels into storm drains, dumping into our rivers and streams, polluting the water, creating floods, and endangering natural habitat.

During heavy rains, a rain garden fills with a few inches of water which then soaks into the soil, going through a natural filtration process before making its way into the groundwater or an adjacent stream. Compared to a patch of lawn, a rain garden allows about 30% more water to soak into the ground. Rain gardens consist of a variety of plants including native flowers, grasses, and trees that are home to local wildlife. They are a beautiful and beneficial addition to any landscape.